Pushed by substantial financial inclusion and innovative payment solutions, the digital market in rising economies has been recasting its structure and practices. In Latin America, while e‑commerce booming drove digital payments adoption, in Africa, digital payments are propelling the market digitalization.
Owning a hypergrowth online market, LatAm represents a massive opportunity for global companies keen to expand to faster‑growing countries. With international online sales accelerating at an average of 34% per year through 2025 in the region, industries such as gaming, online retail, streaming, and SaaS are recording double‑digit growth in cross‑border commerce, as shown in this study.
Africa's digital market is ready to blossom. With over 360 million Africans now using the internet – around 30% of the population, and digital payments quite widespread, the African hyper‑growing digital market has a solid foundation to build on.
Alternative payment methods (APMs), such as bank transfers and digital wallets, are booming in rising economies. In Latin America, APMs continue to flourish and should reach almost 40% of the e‑commerce volume in the region.
As cloud computing evolves and business digitization becomes more widespread in Latin America, SaaS and cloud providers are seeing the B2B market growing faster than B2C.
The fourth edition of The EBANX annual study is here! Powered by EBANX, Beyond Borders 2022/2023 brings to light the ultimate digital commerce and payment trends in growing markets, supported by fresh data and influential industry experts' statements